Animal and Pub Signs

In the days before neon lights and plastic signs, bar owners used carved wooden animals to advertise their establishments. These bar signs were a common sight in the early 20th century, and each one had its own unique story. In this blog post, we will explore the history and use of animals on pub signage. We will also take a look at some of the most interesting bar signs in existence!

A brief history of pub signage and how animals began to be used as symbols

The use of bar signs dates back to the days of ancient Rome when taverns would hang signs with images of Bacchus, the god of wine. In medieval England, bar signs were often simple wooden boards with the name of the establishment carved into them. However, it was not until the early 20th century that animals began to be used as bar signs.

The first bar sign with an animal on it was created in London in 1812. This bar sign featured a wooden carving of a bull's head, which was chosen to represent strength and virility. Soon after, other bar owners began to follow suit, and animals became a common sight on pub signage.

There are many theories as to why animals were chosen as bar signs. One popular theory is that bar owner wanted to attract a certain type of customer. For instance, a bar with a lion on its sign was likely trying to appeal to customers who were looking for a place where they could drink and gamble.

Whatever the reason, bar signs with animals quickly became a popular way to advertise pubs. And, as we will see, some of these bar signs have become truly iconic symbols of their respective establishments.

Some of the most interesting bar signs in existence.

There are many bar signs with animals that are interesting for one reason or another. For instance, the bar sign for The White Horse Tavern in London is one of the oldest bar signs in existence. This bar sign features a wooden carving of a white horse, which is believed to represent purity and innocence.

Another interesting bar sign can be found at The Eagle and Child pub in Oxford, England. This pub's bar sign features a carving of an eagle clutching a child in its talons. The eagle is said to represent the pub's namesake, while the child represents the young students who often frequented the establishment.

Finally, one of the most famous bar signs in existence is The Red Lion pub sign in London. This bar sign features a wooden carving of a red lion, which has come to symbolize the British monarchy. The Red Lion pub is said to be one of the favorite watering holes of Queen Elizabeth II, and its bar sign is now a popular tourist attraction.

As you can see, bar signs with animals are not only interesting pieces of history, but they also hold a great deal of meaning for their respective establishments. So next time you see a bar sign with an animal on it, take a moment to appreciate the history and symbolism behind it!

Do bar signs with animals still exist?

Yes, bar signs with animals are still common in many parts of the world. In fact, some bars have even started using neon versions of their bar signs! However, the use of bar signs with animals is not as common as it once was. This is likely due to the fact that bar owners now have many other options when it comes to advertising their establishments.

Even though they are not as common as they once were, bar signs with animals are still a popular way to advertise pubs. So next time you see one, take a moment to appreciate the history and symbolism behind it! Thanks for reading!


Q: How long have bar signs been in use?

A: The use of bar signs dates back to the days of ancient Rome.

Q: Why did bar owners start using animals on their signs?

A: There are many theories as to why animals were chosen as bar signs. One popular theory is that bar owner wanted to attract a certain type of customer.

Q: What is the oldest bar sign with an animal on it?

A: The bar sign for The White Horse Tavern in London is one of the oldest bar signs in existence. This bar sign features a wooden carving of a white horse, which is believed to represent purity and innocence.

Q: Where can I find the bar sign for The Red Lion pub?

A: The bar sign for The Red Lion pub is located in London. This bar sign features a wooden carving of a red lion, which has come to symbolize the British monarchy.

Q: What do bar signs with animals mean?

A: Bar signs with animals often hold a great deal of meaning for their respective establishments. For instance, the bar sign for The White Horse Tavern in London is believed to represent purity and innocence, while the bar sign for The Eagle and Child pub in Oxford, England is said to represent the pub's namesake (an eagle) and its young student customers (the children).


The pub sign has a long and storied history, dating back to the early days of advertising. Animals have been used as symbols on these signs for centuries, with each creature carrying its own meaning and symbolism. If you’re looking for an interesting piece of history to hang in your home or want a unique bar sign that will set your business apart from the competition, consider investing in a vintage pub sign with an animal motif.


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