Pub Sheds and Lockdown

The outbreak of Coronavirus has ground many things to a halt in 2020, but with bars and restaurants in the UK closed, there has been a boom in boozing at home.

As the UK continues to shelter at home due to COVID-19, many have passed the time in maintaining their daily or weekly rituals, but all from the comfort of their home.

So for those who love a tipple every now and then, where is there to go? Enter the pub shed.

A significant number of the UK population have built their own pub sheds in the last few years after growing disillusioned with the ever-increasing cost of a night out and desire to entertain guests in a cosier and more personal environment.

With lockdown in the UK continuing for the foreseeable future and no sign of pubs, clubs and restaurants reopening yet, having your own home bar certainly scratches that itch of wanting to have a few drinks in a cosy location that isn’t just your living room couch.

In the last few months, more and more stories have been cropping up about residents building their own boozers by converting their garden sheds in the spare time they’ve had during the pandemic.

With more free time on their hands due to the lockdown, these regular pub-goers have been spending their hours getting creative with their sheds in an attempt to stave off going stir-crazy, while also creating the next best thing to their currently-closed local.

We’ve heard many stories of great DIY endeavours by the British public during lockdown. One family in Bristol built their dream shed that doubles as both a gym and a bar, while a man in Essex uses his converted pub shed to live-stream quizzes and DJ sets.

When it comes to creating your own pub shed during the lockdown, the most fun part (in our opinion) is accessorising and furnishing your new home bar to give it that personal touch.

The first thing you’ll want is an outdoor hanging sign that welcomes your guests (we hope they are living in the same house as you!) into your pub shed.

Barsigns.UK offer a range of personalised bar signs that would make the perfect accompaniment to your pub shed. What better way to christen your home bar than with a custom metal sign that shows off your creative pub name?

Having a personalised pub sign is a great way to add a personal touch to your home bar – both indoors and outdoors. Let’s be honest, we all get a little bit excited on a night out when we spot the sign of our favourite pub just ahead and know that a nice cold lager is near…

Once you’ve got your pub name and bar sign(s) sorted, you can go wild with the interior – the only limit is your imagination. You can keep it more subdued and aim for a relaxed atmosphere, go all-in with TVs, a pool table and fancy lighting, or anything in between! One thing is for sure, having your own pub shed to use whenever you want would sure make lockdown a little easier.

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